There is Not Enough Darkness
This is a Whatsapp message which is really uplifting!! In this forbidding time of Corona, Holding on to Hope is the Best armor we can have to fight with Corona!! India records 349k cases today. But scratch beneath it, not everything is despair. The two hottest zones – #Delhi and #Maharashtra are holding almost stable. Mumbai is less than 6000 new cases, 3 weeks low in daily cases.
The lockdowns and perhaps even burning out of virus is slowly showing effect. India has mobilized its entire industrial might, railway and now #IndianAirForce into service to rapidly transport supplies. It is a massive force.
There is no doubt that Authorities UNDERESTIMATED this new wave – but not any longer.
It will take one week for Delhi and Maharashtra to start receding. Of course, a few other states will keep spiking but not to this concentration. In 4-5 days, oxygen issue will be better sorted as trains will deliver bulk deliveries. Trains are running on non-stop green corridors. More hospitals would have come up – a few are commissioning today onwards. Some even in religious places.
The impact of stopped we exports is showing. Today, #Remdesivir was in slightly better supply than yesterday. It will get better over the week.
Cryogenic freezer for oxygen has been picked up from foreign manufacturers by our Air Force.
All this in ONE WEEK.
May will start better than April, I promise you.
On your part, stay indoors – you are privileged if you can afford it. One less patient can mean better allocation of resources for someone really sick. You can save your life and someone else’s by holding back movement and staying safe.
Shun despair, pack up your frustration, don’t tell me you are bored, don’t tell me you won’t fight.
The casualty number may go up this week – but remember they follow infections 12-18 days ago. That is the cycle of this virus. But at least once we restore oxygen issue – the deaths due to lack of treatment will go down.
Hold on for this one week – this is the darkest hour – beyond which lies the beginning of dawn of life, vaccines and healthier times.