CoronaVirus: SERVICE TO HUMANITY! Sometimes I feel the a tiny and invisible Corona Virus has not only challenged the survival of human living but deeply tested the very chore of human conscience…HUMANITY.
Pictures say volumes!!
Isn’t it?
No words can ever be enough to express our gratitude to them….
We know how the dreaded Corona Virus has devastated the whole world bringing to its knee crippling the economy and taking a toll on human lives. India is no different. In this time of crisis the only hope are the Doctors and health workers. day in Day out, I here the kind of unruly things like attacks on them, stone pelting and offending them. Just because they are doing their duty. What kind of people in particular and society in general we are??

look at these pictures….What do you feel? Did it stir you inside? When I saw these pictures, my heart filled with appreciation and admiration to them. For a moment it dished too. They are the over exhaust health workers who just take a nap like this. They are not only stretching themselves for the monumental crisis before us but also risking their lives. When all other students are asked to stay at home, medical students are asked to work.

They are there to help us. Let’s try our best to help them by staying home, staying safe
My heart fills with gratitude for their dedication and commitment. Truly it’s not just work for them… It’s SERVICE TO HUMANITY.

Check Here for another photo story