V For Virtue of Unity!!

Virtue of Unity is staying together with diversity!!!

One day in the Land of Fairy Tales, a huge storm broke out. It rained and rained and rained. When the rain stopped and the Sun came out, a marvelous rainbow made up of seven different colors filled the sky. The colors were VIBGYOR – Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

“I am the most important color,” said Red. “I color the beautiful flowers, the sweetest fruits, and the tastiest vegetables.”

“No way,” Orange responded. “I am the color that is the most important. Everyone knows the juiciest fruits are my color.”

“Who cares about fruits?” snorted Yellow. “I am the most important color. I am the color of the Sun!”

Green made a long face. and then said

“I am the most important,” Green insisted. “I am the color of all the plants on Earth!”

“Big deal,” boomed Blue. “I am the color of the sky and the sea. That’s way more important!”

“Oh  yeah?” Indigo protested. “Without me, you wouldn’t see the stars at night. Now that’s important!”

“I’ll tell you who’s the most important- me!” Violet shrieked. “I hold up the rest of you!”

The colors argued and argued.

Suddenly, Red split away from the group. “I’m leaving,” Red shouted. “I’m better of without all of you!”

And then all the colors left and there was nothing remaining of the rainbow. And the sky was empty.

But soon Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and violet realized that being alone wasn’t any fun. There was no one to talk to. There was no one to laugh with.

Then, one day, all the colors ran into each other. Red said, “I’m sorry I said I was the most important. We’re all important.”

Then it held out its hand to Orange. Orange grabbed it and smile.

Then he reached out his hand to Yellow, who reached out to Green, who reached out to Blue, who reached out to Indigo. As if by magic, a beautiful rainbow formed in the sky.

At last all seven colors of the rainbow were shining again in peace and harmony.

“I must say, we look great when we all work together,” said Red.

And this time no one disagreed.

This story I have taken from the book ‘The Quest For Paradise,’ by Geronimo Stilton.

 Everyone loves the Rainbow that forms after the rain. Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that creates a magical effect on the environment. Also, the rainbow colors are soothing and each color has its own meaning.

However, it’s not just about the VIBGYORs in Rainbows and their importance, it’s about the UNITY. What the Rainbow teaches us, there is a virtue in unity. Everyone is important. Individually we are all colors having our own worth and significance. But together we are just like a beautiful arc of colors like a RAINBOW.

Now since we are all facing a global pandemic and under Lock-down, SOCIAL DISTANCING and ISOLATION are the trending acts of the day so don’t catch up together for few days. But let’s stay together in Heart and Substance, and hope for a better future where our rainbows can shine again. Staying Home and adhering to the norms of present day together is the Unity. This Virtue of Unity will help us get back our days. Virtue of Unity  is the key. 

Diversity: The art of thinking independently together!! 


This is My Post for The Alphabet V  #AToZChallenge 2020 by @blogchatter in the Month of April 2020

For my Theme CLICK HERE

M For Masks!!!

Masks, Millions of Masks
We have wore time and again
Of Happiness, Joy, Anger or Pain
We born pure and innocent
Chaste and clean
Wearing a Face of an angelic beam
With life we are taught
To wear masks of many things
Good manners or etiquette
Life further taught us to wear masks
To cover our emotions
Of sadness or grief of the face
Million moments we have lived
With a mask on our countenance
To camouflage our reality, truths & facts
Millions of masks we changed
Over different moments of time
Making us lose the pure soul within
Often wisdom of scriptures teach us
To shed those masks
Of deceit, falsehood & pretense
Let’s shed those masks
Of disguise cast, concealing outfit
That has obscured, the inner light
However…Wait, Wait, Wait
We Know….
Often superheroes like
Batman, Spider man…wear masks
To hide their identity while doing noble tasks
Often a mask helps us veil
The pain of failure & heartbreak
And give us strength to trail
Often when life turns bit
Ugly and hostile
We wear a mask of pretentious smile
Often masks has helped us perform
Our Role in the Drama of Life
And follow its norms…
What I understood with Life & its process …
It’s not the mask but the reason
For which we wear it …matters
So friends…
Now the time is not for shedding the mask
But Wear one
Could be a N95, Surgical or Made in Home
Just Wear a Mask on your Face
To face the challenge and fight
The monster Corona Virus
It’s an Invisible Enemy
That’s with its spikes out there
To challenge the humans and their everyday affair
Mask is a simple weapon
Yet very efficient & potential arm
And the best strategy for this warfare…..


We have Wear a Mask
Every Now and Then
To conceal our emotions
Happiness and Pain
Then why not now one
To save the Humanity From Corona….



A Mask is inevitable In Life Now and It’s Task!!

This is My Post for The Alphabet M  #AToZChallenge 2020 by @blogchatter in the Month of April 2020

My Theme – Click Here