Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans — John Lennon
Life is a Gift, Life is Beautiful!!!
Hi Friends,
This is Tina and this is my Brand New blog. I have just made it live having 25% of the work done on it, only to participate in #BlogchatterAtoZ. Though I had been resolute to take up the challenge this year, but last few months had been quite taxing on me making any kind of writing works out of mind. Also couldn’t work on this website. Well, at least I could made it live. I am very bad word press, currently learning it to do it by myself. So I will appreciate all suggestions, criticisms and knowledge sharing from you all to improve the appearance and performance of this website.
Tina ki Duniya is a small world of mine. It’s actually a window through which I view the world and accordingly my thoughts and observations are shaped. Different aspects of life always fascinated me and I could never find a particular facet of it to reflect upon only. Life itself has always very much absorbing for me.
So my theme for the #BlogchatterAtoZChallenge will be Life itself…i.e @life.
There will be stories, real life anecdotes, pictures, quotes and many more things in it. Also will include some posts contributed to me as a promise to publish. I think at the end it will appear like a platter with different aspects of life served on it. Hope the write ups will be up to the expectation level of readers. I promise the time spend on this will be worth of it.
Looking forward to read a lot from you all.
My Theme is @Life
Happy Writing, Happy Reading
स्वागत है आपका ,ईस नयी दुनिया में!!
जिन्दगी वह नहीं जो आपको मिलतीहै..!
जिंदगी वह है ,जो आप बनाते हैं..!!
आगाज कर दिया है आपने, आज नयी जिंदगी का.!
सफलता अवश्यंभावी है, कदम चूमेगी ..!!
बहुत-बहुत बधाई..!!
thank You sooo muchh Sir for your encouraging words. it motivates. Regards
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People didn’t know about the place. But now it is becoming known day by day and rediscovering it’s true importance and charm.