Natan Sharansky – is an Israeli politician, human rights activist – was a Jew living in communist Russia in 1970s. However, for some reason he was accused of being an American spy and thrown into the jail by the Russian Government.
The conditions in jail were very bad. Adding to that for 400 days he was in the Siberian jail, the worst of them all. His prison cell was 4 feet by 3 feet, where he used to live. Pathetic…isn’t it?
Now in such a place your body will start deteriorating for the lack of exercise and the brain will also start waning too. But he had a strong will to not only survive but also to remain alright. It was really tough but he didn’t want to give it up. Of course, for his body he would do anti-gravity exercises, but “what to do for the brain?” was the question.
As a child he was very fond of chess, so he decided to play chess in the mind. Now to keep 64 squares in the mind, naturally is a big mental gymnastics in itself. Isn’t it? But he started playing chess. Then the next question was “with who to play with??”“Why not play with the World Champion?” He thought. The world champion in those days was Garry Kasparov. So he DECIDED… he used to play chess with Gary Kasparov in the mind, everyday.
He stayed in jail for 12 years. After 12 years when Bill Clinton became the President of USA, he made an appeal to the Russian Government and the Russian government released him. He went out of jail and travelled to live in Israel, where he became a cabinet minister eventually.
Once Garry Kasparov came on a visit to Israel. As we know the Grandmasters and World champions play demonstration matches with budding players of the Countries they visit.
In the demonstration match they would take on 5 players at a time or even 40 players. Now on this day, Garry Kasparov was playing against 5. One against 5. He defeated 4 of them, but he lost to one person. And the person whom he lost to was Natan Sharansky.
Surprised to the core, The reporters asked him, “Sir, how did you defeat the World Chess Champion? You are not a grandmaster or anything of the sort.”
He said, “You know, for 12 x 365 days I was defeating him every day in my mind. So, I had got programmed. To defeat him was the most natural thing for me. Like as you keep typing, it becomes natural for you.”
Everybody was surprised and awe-inspired by his story.
Now, what does this story teach Us??
The Power of Strong Will – When You Have a Rock-Solid Will Power, you can really move a Rock.
It’s not the Circumstances that make Us weak, It’s WE become weak against circumstances.
To be Weak or Not is a CHOICE in any given situation & not a Compulsion.
An last & the most important thing is THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION!!!
Natan Sharansky was able to defeat Garry Kasporov was the most natural thing, because he had visualized it again and again and again in his mind. He had programmed his subconscious mind for victory against the World Chess Champion. And he in reality he did so. That was the seer power of Visualization.
A Picture speaks 1000 words. When we want something, it’s said that repeated affirmation leads to the law of attraction. However, if we Visualize it, it becomes a picture in mental screen which is equivalent to 1000 times affirmations at once…it’s that simple!! It becomes natural for the things to come to you….!!!Isn’t it AMAZING!!!!
MAGIC APPLE!!!…Sounds weird…Right!!!Well I think everyone of us is looking for this Magic Apple; because An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor away 🙂 And who don’t want to stay away from Doctor ??
We all have heard the proverb, “An Apple a day, Keeps the Doctor Away.” This proverb is actually believed to have originated in Wales in the year 1860s. However, when first used, this proverb had a slightly different form. It had begun, “Eat an apple when going to bed; you will keep the doctor from earning his bread.”
‘Bread’, in the above phrase, in general means ‘salary’ i.e., ‘you will stop the doctor from earning his salary out of your upset health. On a lighter note, like any woman, I have also teased my friends who have doctor spouses, “You must not be eating apples…right.”
Well, I must say I always wondered, how come a simple fruit like APPLE can keep us healthy forever. And if so, then I can understand people who can’t afford this slightly costly fruit, having health problems; but what about the wealthy people?? They can always afford an APPLE a day and keep away themselves from doctors evermore.
But then, it never happens like that. In fact wealthy people tend to have more complex health issues. And it wouldn’t be wrong to say that a large chunk of a Doctor’s earning actually comes from the rich and wealthy people’s wallet. Isn’t it?
Moreover, once I met a person in a posh hospital, waiting for his turn for appointment with the doctor who had his own apple yard. I asked him, “Didn’t you eat an Apple a day when you were growing them in your back yards?” He only smiled sarcastically.
Since then, I was in an eternal search for that MAGIC APPLE…However, recently I really found it when I realized the actual truth of it.
Before that let me tell you something…
Anta Tikta, Danta Lun, Peta Puriba Tini Gun, Mathe Pagoda, Pav Tel Baida Sange Kariba Gel….
The above lines in Odia are basically an ancient way of lifestyle; that was believed to be important to keep people healthy till their last breath and live a long life. It’s meaning is…
Every morning, take something bitter in empty stomach,
apply salt in teeth regularly,
eat up to ¾th of your stomach (never eat stomach full),
always cover your head and message oil in the feet before going to sleep.
If you do these things, you can challenge any doctor in the village, assuring him that you would never take his consultancy.
It’s only when I literally had to play a “temple-run”, precisely running from one doctor to other, to address my different health problems, I realized how a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE is imperative for BEING HELTHY.
LIFE itself doesn’t come up with any health problems; it’s the LIFESTYLE we lead, that brings us the health issues.
That’s why since time immemorial, whenever we get affected by any disease or health issues, doctors advise us to adopt some Lifestyle changes; sometimes for a temporary period and sometimes permanent changes depending upon the health ailment – along with the medications. Sometimes we are advised to add few foods to our diets and sometimes to remove few things too. So, while dealing with health issues, doctors invariably ask us to change and espouse a better lifestyle.
Also, this proverb, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, has both a literal and a broader meaning. Literally, it suggests that eating one apple a day will mean that you do not need to visit the doctor. More broadly, it is about getting into a healthy daily routine. It might involve healthy eating habit, more generally, a healthy lifestyle.
So, after realizing the “CAUSES – The Wrong Way Of Living” that creates health issues, especially, I understood what that MAGIC APPLE is. It’s nothing but “A Set of Habits and Dos and Don’ts” that helps us keep our health, both Physical and Mental, in good shape and condition. These are as follows…according to me
A – ACCEPT, AMEND & ADOPT Accept your weakness & wrong habits, amend them, & Adopt Good habits
P– PLAY or take on a Physical Activity for Physical fitness and Pursue Your PASSION for Mental Health.
P – PRAY, PRACTICE Meditation and Believe In POSITIVITY
L – LAUGH Out loudly, LOVE Yourself, LIVE Life
E – EXPRESS Gratitude for Everything You have, ERASE Bad Vives & EVOLVE Energized!!
Well…APPPLES have always been very magical, whether it is…ADAM’S APPLE or NEWTON’s APPLE or STEVE JOBS’s APPLE and Now This MAGIC APPLE
I swear, if we incorporate the above things in ourselves, chances are that, may be Doctors will soon start for looking for different means for earning. Trust me.
Isn’t Being Corona Positive is the most terrible word these days???
In all my life, whenever I used to be apprehensive of life, feeling low or pessimistic, I have been either chided or encouraged by the people around me – depending upon their own temper & nature- for Being Negative. I would get a very strong and powerful assertion from all of them in those times…
They would say it…firm & confidently
We all are like that only. We always wanted others to BE POSITIVE…isn’t it? However, things have changed upside down, thanks to the global pandemic. Now I really wonder… can we ever say this to someone who is standing on a queue to give his/her swab for the testing???Can we? Well, the eight lettered word “positive” has become the most frightening one these days.
BEING COVID POSITIVE sounds like a death sentence. The entire atmosphere has become very scary and fearful of this word. In such a scenario, that fateful day I encountered with the Invisible Enemy Outside, THE CORONA VIRUS.
My Encounter with the VIRUS
My husband was having fever, not too high though. Initially we felt it could be just viral. But after 3-4 days as it didn’t recede, we decided to go for test. I think that was one of the BEST THINGS we did. However, to our utter dismay both I & hubby tested positive in the rapid test itself, I was asymptomatic though. Then immediately we tested our son. His rapid test was negative. His swab was taken for the RT PCR whose result comes after 48hrs.
I would lie if I say I wasn’t petrified, nervous or scared hearing the report. A chill run down my spine immediately. It felt like as if the ground slipped under my feet. Testing Positive for Covid itself makes you numb from inside. And then the thundering add-on words came from the doctor, “10 Days Mandatory Institutional Quarantine.” It is a norm in NAVI MUMBAI. It was no less than a pronounced verdict that sends you to a hell…as we had imagined.
There were two things that I was worrying about.
One…how our son was going to manage without us at home for 10 days in case his RT PCR report comes negative too.
And second, what’s going to happen with us. We were totally clueless. We tried for beds at Fortis Hospital, Vashi but no-bed was available.
Finally, we were allotted CIDCO Covid Hospital, Vashi and taken there while our son was asked to stay at home.
Being Corona Positive: AT HOSPITAL….
Being Corona positive and at hospital, First two days were horrible because we were not able to accept the reality. Wait, as if it wasn’t enough. After two days the RT PCR report of our son came positive too. Gosh!! Let me tell you, I have never hated anything more than this word POSITIVE at that point of time…seriously!! Well, he was also allotted CIDCO Covid Hospital, Vashi after a lot of freaking persuasions from Us, the parents(Else they had allotted him a different hospital…You Government Things)
We desperately tried again to get into Fortis but in vein. That probably taught me the first lesson that no matter how much wealth, affordability or resources you have, it simply doesn’t help if things are not available at all. So now there’re no option than to ACCEPT that the next couple of days were to be lived there only.
Thankfully, the hospital is really well equipped, well maintained. The doctors, nurses and house keeping staffs are humble and supportive. Utmost care is taken for cleanliness and sanitization.
Being Corona Positive: AS MEDICATION…
We were given Anti-biotics for first five days,
Twice LimC (Vitamin Chewable tablets) and Multivitamin tablets once a day for entire 10days
Our oxygen levels were regularly checked at least 4 times a day. Since husband had developed mild infection in lungs too, he was given HCQ tablets after ECG was done.
Normal food was served to us as per our food habit, veg or non-veg.
We were asked to do gargling & drink Warm water only. That’s it.
I would really like to appreciate NMMC and other authorities for being so well prepared with healthcare facilities for this pandemic. I was filled with gratitude for The Doctors, Nurses and housekeeping staffs as they were very motivating.
After 10 days we were sent to home and advised with 7 days home quarantine along with continuing the same medication, Lim C & MV to be precise & diet. And then the final & most awaited word came. Yes I am talking about the most loved word of the day NEGATIVE.I never knew I would love this word so much. Now we are Officially Covid Free Family. This was our journey that we had to take unwillingly though.
Wait Wait…
Every journey serves you with some insights…right. Let me tell you what the things that I learnt from this entire episode.
What Corona Virus Taught Me
1. Corona AFFECTS EVERYONE EQUALLY, but EVERYONE DOES NOT GET EQUALLY AFFECTED. Because everybody is different and unique so also their Immune System.
2. After talking to the qualified doctor there, I understood that along with PRECAUTIONS we should also be PREPARED – mentally to be precise- in case we got it in us.
1. Precautions that help you Play Safe. That includes
Wash Your Hands or use Sanitizer as consciously, as frequently as possible.
Avoid going to crowded places if not required. Maintain social distancing
In case you must go out, make sure when you come back home you change clothes immediately and wash yourselves with soap & warm water
Corona Virus often comes in Clothes, so after coming from outside, make sure you clean them immediately in warm water.
Make three times gargling a part of your routine
Drink warm water
2. Preparation helps you if you lost it somewhere.
As the doctor told me, “It is just takes a couple of seconds for the coronavirus to enter your body no matter what precautions you have taken…all through” It’s just a matter of “Few Seconds” So it is very important to be better prepared for it.
· First, Be mentally prepared. Getting quarantined, institutionally or at home is certainly not the end of the world
· Second, Look at the brighter side of things. Around 80% people are either asymptomatic or mildly affected/infected by this virus. This is the REALITY no matter what depressing statistics are given by the governments , media or other authorities.
· As we know there is no medicine for covid19 so BOOSTING IMMUNITY IS THE KEY to deal with it.
· Make vitamin C a part of your daily intake. People often ignore this even if they know but keeping your body alkaline is not only a necessary way to protect your body from the virus but also it helps neutralize the effect of it in case you get infected.
· Follow everything that works for your body to boost up your immune system. Like turmeric milk, tulsi, amla, kadha…whatever works.
· Take your family doctor’s advice, if you can take multivitamin tablets or not. It works if it suits you and doctor is the best person to advice.
3. PLEASE TEST YOURSELF if you have symptoms.
If you have some symptoms, go and test because it can be lethal if the whole process is delayed and treatment is started late. Mostly CORONA makes you serious if you DELAY TESTING & identified late.
Also, if you don’t test even if you have symptoms, then you really become a Potential Spreader risking people around. Moreover, even if one tests positive for the virus, it will pass over within 7 to 10 days at the most…avers Dr Vishwas Pai, ENT surgeon who recovered after being Covid Positive.
In fact I have also seen, even 75+yr, 80+ yrs old men/women getting healed and go to their home during my 10 days stay at hospital. EARLY DETECTION is the key…. This is what the doctors told me there no matter whatever condition your health is in.
4. STAY POSITIVE (no pun intended)
No matter how dangerous the word “Positive” sounds these days. it is only ‘positivity’ that helps a person fight corona virus.
Although Older people, and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes) appear to be more vulnerable and it can make some people very ill but for most people COVID-19 causes only mild illness. More rarely, the disease can be fatal. So why to fear then??
Ever since this virus has come to existence it has successfully gripped the mind with intense fear. Most of the times the fear takes a toll bigger than Corona itself. It seems as if its Reality has become a Shadow Of it…Longer than the Actual Size of it. I feel so.
So Take all CARE but Don’t SCARE!!! The Virus is indeed EERIE but not that SCARY what it appears to be.
And for me, I am in a state as
Louisa May Alcott quotes, “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.”
No playground is as beautiful, as accommodating as Mo Gaon Danda….The frontyard of my village, It’s the Playground of Paradise – Mo Gaon Danda!!!
This morning when I opened Facebook It took me to the memories of this day, last year.
Last year this date I was at my hometown, my parental place, Aska, Odisha. It’s a small town cocooned in the greenery of nature. The lane where our home situated is a village though with time acquired all the modern amenities. In fact it’s not that typically described villages in textbooks…having huts and fields around with no facilities. In my village apart from no – huts in sights every second home owns a four wheeler, every home has 2 to 3 ACs, let alone other electronic gadgets and appliances. Life is not just beautiful here but very comfortable too.
I feel there are Ps that define the Lifestyle at Village
PERFECT PLACE – If you are in search of a life to live in harmony with nature Village is the Perfect Place. People have the whole lot for their minimum necessities of life. Nothing extra has to be done to meet your life’s requirement.
PEOPLE – People are simple, content and satisfied, far away from complexities.
POLLUTION FREE – The Villages are free from the hustle and bustle of a city life. Even though every home owns a vehicle that consumes fuels but their uses are minimum and they use them only when there is a genuine requirement. Moreover you can breathe fresh air because the natural green covers are still intact.
PHYSICAL WELL-BEING – In villages people are always provided with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, water, and clear air so life is mostly hale and hearty. Peace, Pollution free air, Fresh vegetables and fruits, jostle free living…what else you need for a life of pink of health and best of spirit !!
PEACEFUL – The villages are mostly ruled by calmness. Even though lifestyle in villages is a community living but people prefer peace and tranquility in their individual lives.
Well I know…People leave villages for search of a better livelihood most of the times. But I feel it’s mostly for two reasons basically. One, there might be something terribly wrong happened in the villages like flood, drought etc taking away the means of their living which is always minimum.
Two and mostly it’s the dominant reason, the dream of a City Life, A Luxurious Life to be precise.
However, I know those who had a life rooted in a village or small city, now based in a City or metropolitan, must be missing that life. Somewhere feeling that they have done a very bad deal because they have bartered Simple and healthy Life with A Complex Luxurious Life. At least I feel so, may be differing with many.
Well, I love the life at my village though I make very few trips to it given to the compulsions of life. Last year I had been to it in April. One afternoon, while I was having my tea sitting at the verandah of my home, I saw these children playing around. I started observing….There were no particular rules for that game. It was like jumping and pulling the pamphlets hanging above….and whoever is successful getting one, even touching one, others would clap with laughter. So simple no… Do you need expensive gadgets, lavish sports equipment to get such simple pleasure! Or do you need a specially crafted playground to play…
We say it Gaon Danda (ଗାଁ ଦାନ୍ଡ) in Odia means the road that goes through the heart of the village. This Gaon Danda is a multipurpose place in villages actually. Apart from basic communications they also organized fairs, village dramas, theatres, processions of rituals, etc on it. It’s just like the Mother’s Lap….a place where everything you feel is positive, where you will just have pleasure and bliss…
Looking at the children and the whole landscape I just felt how lucky they were as unlike the children in big cities who just coming out of Mother’s lap have to walk on the roads, go to nurseries, learn and be skilled and programmed, they just play and learn life in the a place like mother’s lap coming out of their mother’s laps….
In Cities we have roads, In Villages, its Gaon dand, Mother Nature’s lap…
Those children were actually playing in the Playground of Paradise…I felt!!!
Maa ki god se khelte khelte siddhha gaon Mata ki God Mein…..
This is My Post for The Alphabet P #AToZChallenge 2020 by @blogchatter in the Month of April 2020
B for B-Tech Biryani – An Idea That Changes The Outlook!!
B – Tech Biryani…..
Sounds curiously interesting…right?
Well, before I write about it let me start with a declaimer…I don’t like BIRYANI and also not too much fascinated about food. I am not too fascinated by some traditional spices like bay leaf, Cinnamon and other whole spices either because of their strong and intense flavor.
I know, my friends who get that instant tickling foodgasm hearing the word “Biryani” would be little bit upset by reading this, feeling that their efforts to convince me to develop the taste buds for Biryani are yet to bear fruit (which seems apparently impossible though).
However, I guess Biryani itself doesn’t care if some dim-witted people like me like it or not because it has a massive fan following from corner to corner of the globe, across the religion, demography, community, age, gender…etc because of its own appealing and tempting attributes. People just adore it as a heavenly foodI have to agree that Biryani, in itself, is a complete delicacy. The amazing blend of the flavors of the long grain, fluffy and aromatic Basmati rice with chosen spices just takes it to an entirely new echelon in terms of taste. Next is the type of cooking style used, that is, the “Dum” effect – the most authentic way to make Biryani is by mixing all the spices and sealing it for more than 5–6 hours on a slow fire, which renders its cooking in its own juices. Simply heaven!
I guess Biryani is so popular because of three main reasons: 1. It is high on flavor and amazingly tasty 2. It is a complete meal in itself 3. It Appeals to every age and every palate
Well…this post is not about BIRYANI as a food but as a thought. Read on…
For a moment let me take you to a particular festival of Odisha – Balijtra- which is celebrated at a particular place – . Balijatra Padia(Ground) at Cuttack, Odisha.
In Odisha the Hindu month Kartik – the first month in the season autumn –is revered as a highly auspicious month. And Kartik Poornima is considered as holiest day of the year and thereby most propitious. This day marks the beginning of the renowned festival known as Balijatra. The name Bali Jatra means ‘A Voyage to Bali’.
As per the legend, the festival is celebrated to mark the day when ancient Odia mariners would set sail to distant lands in south-east Asia for trade and cultural expansion. The day of Kartik Poornima (full moon) was considered as very much auspicious to start any sail to distant lands and Mahanadi River near the Gadagadia Temple Ghat, was used as a river port in the ancient period to start the sail.This popular colorful festival of Odisha marks its beginning from the day of full moon and continues for around 8 to 10 days at Gadagadia Ghat of the River Mahanadi where the Lord Kartikeswar – the presiding deity of this festival is worshiped.As a celebration an extravaganza of grand funfair is organized every year at the BaliJatra grounds on the bank of river Mahanadi spread over an area of 50 acres.
Moreover, through this festival, the locals also observe that day when sailors of Odisha set sails to distant lands of Java, Bali, Borneo, Sri Lanka, and Sumatra. To pay their homage, regional people make the artificial boat (made up of paper, barks of the banana tree, and cork) and float it in the water. Besides, the festival also observes the tradition of lighting lamps in the boat which is called Boita Bandana. This boasts magnificent panorama of innumerable boats lit with lamps on the river water.
The funfair, dotted with at least 1000 makeshift stalls and nearly 100 vending zones to showcase the ethnic goods along with modern gadgets and food stalls drawn from across the state and outside, the place becomes live with high decibel sounds and lights. It becomes a place to have a glance of WHOLE ODISHA in terms of its arts, culture and cuisine.
Last year, from November 19, 2019, this festival was held with the Odisha Assembly Speaker S N Patro inaugurating the festival in presence of a galaxy of dignitaries. People from different places throng into this place, mainly to enjoy the joy ride, to buy traditional art works and other stuffs, and savor food, an array of authenticated Odia delicacies.
However, with passing days one particular stall swarming up with crowds continuously caught the attention of many. It was a food stall and particularly its name was the reason to draw the attention.
Yes, probably now you have guessed name of the stall. Of course the name of the stall was B-Tech Biryani.
B-Tech Biryani was a Biryani selling stall. Apart from its catchy & interesting name, what made it stand apart and trendy was the makers of the stall. A group of passed out B.Tech students had come up with this idea of selling Biryani to the crowd. They were well organized and knew what they were doing. That’s why the name B’Tech Biryani.
The Biryani tasted amazing too and that was quite evident from the crowd they were getting. Media channels look for these kinds of stories…right. On asking how it happened to them, one of them replied that after passing B.Tech in different branches of Engineering, for some reason they were unable to find suitable jobs. Unemployment takes a toll on youth making them drift towards many unwanted things. But this group decided to venture into a business, and what could be a better occasion to check the possibility of success of their idea than the grand Balijatra!
It was such a simple thought…Isn’t it? If you are not getting a suitable job then start something of your own. But it’s not that simple…keeping in mind that entrepreneurship is not common in Indian genes.
I didn’t visit the funfair but what made me pour my hearty admiration to them was their positive attitude towards life, their Enthusiasm to start something new, their way off Brand Establishment and moreover BEING INSPIRING TO THEIR PEERS!
May be I couldn’t taste the BIRYANI (I swear I would have definitely done it, had I been there) but the IDEA OF B-TECH BIRYANI is AWESOME!!!
What Say… let me know your thoughts in it. did you like the Idea B-Tech Biryani 🙂
If you are interested to know more about Odisha’s art and culture you can check the following link where my friend Mr.Durga Prasad has written it so well.
April 1st, when majority of people know it as “April Fool Day” for us Odias, it’s a day of proud and honour. It’s celebrated as UTKALA DIWASA, the day to commemorate the formation of the state as a separate unit on 1 April 1936.
April 1st – Utkala Diwasa….Today is Utkala Dibasa the foundation day of Odisha. It was founded on 1st April 1936, the 1st state to be founded on the basis of language. Going by the History, The great State of Kalinga had always been a land of valour and courage. It’s well engraved in the pages of History how the Great Maurya Emperor Ashoka had to fight this land till its last mighty. The Kaling War is said to be one of the bloodiest and largest battles in Indian History. It had prompted Emperor Askoka to adopt Buddhism – a non violence way of life – and stop the empire building and military conquest. It’s often said that the spirit and nerve of Kalinga fighters had a great impact on Emperor Ashoka’s conscience. He became DHAMASHOKA from being known as CHANDASHOKA.
However, in spite of having a great political history and cultural record, Odisha lost its complete political identity in 1568 with the demise of King Mukunda Dev, the last Hindu King. Nevertheless, efforts for the centuries resulted to the formation of a separate state under British rule on the basis of the language on 1 April 1936.
Utkala Dibasa is celebrated in Odisha as well as outside of its land by Odia communities. Cultural programs, seminars, competition held during its celebrations.
About Odisha…..
With its long coastline and great reservoir of natural resources, Odisha has some lovely virgin beaches, unspoiled places, untouched cultures and cuisines. It might be tagged as a lagged behind State but modernity has yet not been able to invade few of its places that are rich in bio-diversities and cultural assortment. A truly affluent land of flora and fauna, vibrant in terms of handicraft and handlooms and a state with divine serenity and peacefulness, I am Proud that I am born to this Magic Land. I m Proud To Be An Odia, Always!!
Here is a poem of mine that would give you a brief idea about My Land, ODISHA
A Saga Of Courage and Valour is what My Odisha Is!!!
A Saga of Courage and Valour,
Odisha is Just Not a Piece of Land
In terms of Rich Culture and Tradition
It’s no less than that of a Magic Wand!!
The Mighty Bay of Bengal as its Coastline
As a Territory of Eastern Glory, it shines
Its History is dotted with vivid courage & guts
Since its establishment in 1st April 1936
A Land Of Biodiversity Is what it is…
With loads of dense forests & marsh mangroves
A Land Of Majestic Fauna it is too
With elephant Sanctuary, dolphins, sea turtles & Tiger reserve
The Marvel of Konark Temple will stun you
Odisha is Unique in terms of its Cuisine and Culture
And the captivating Patta chitras, silver filigree
And applique artwork will live you amazed and Startled
The blessings of Lively Lord Jagannath
Fall on it always from His Holy Shrine
The tales of love nerve, sacrifice and peace
Is what echoes in its every grain of sand
This is My Post for The #AToZChallenge 2020 by @blogchatter in the Month of April 2020
Image Sources – Twitter #UtkalaDibass , Whatsapp and my Vivo 17 Mobile!!! My THEME….CLICK HERE
FOUR As To Deal with Depression…like Acceptance, Assertion,Amendment and awareness are the real ways in which depression can be dealt with.
In an ever increasingly interconnected world, people have never been so disconnected, detached and lonesome. Often we ignore someone in our surrounding who has all of a sudden gone in isolation, abruptly lost interests in day to day life and activities he or she has once get pleasure from most and have a extremely inert and passive stance towards life. These unusual behaviors often go unseen, overlooked or unnoticed and the person is edged to take a permanently erroneous decision. The person surely suffers from an acute mental sickness and depression. Let’s not ignore it, anymore, reach out to the person, and help him/her get over this phase of life. Be sensitive, sensible and pro-active….
Acceptance– The first step is to accept its existence recognise it as a disease. “Depression Exist and its lethal for a normal well being of a person.”
Assertion – In many cases even if its existence is accepted, people seldom talk about it given to the social taboo. We have to get over this inhibition and make ourselves available for treatment.
Amendment – Since it’s treatable, so along with medication, we have to amend some of our life style issues and outlook towards life.
Awareness – And last but not the least speared awareness about its existence, deadliness and curability.
We need to understand what depression is. Now, what is a “low”? What is it that happens within you? Fundamentally, you expected something to happen and it did not happen. You expected somebody or something to be your way or the world or the destiny to be your way, and it did not happen. In other words, you are simply against what is happening; that’s all. Maybe you are against a person, maybe you are against a whole situation, maybe you are against life itself. Accordingly, the depression will run deeper and deeper. Says SADHGURU
The Above mentioned are the Fundamental FOUR As To Deal with Depression…at least to reach at it’s entrance gate.
“Gloomy Sunday” often termed as “The Suicidal Song” is a song, composed by Hungarian pianist Rezso Seress in 1936 has been blamed for more suicides than any other song in the history. It was banned by BBC for 66 years till 2002, for its dark notoriety and lyrics. Similarly, recently an online game “The Blue Whale Challenge” had surpassed news and media, spreading shocker waves, giving Goosebumps to parents of teenagers in particular and public in general as it had edged a lot of young adults to kill themselves who were a part of playing this game that has unnatural and weird challenges in offer for its players.
Many would wonder how come a song or a game would make people do suicides!! Yes, it’s not the song that’s played in the recorder, or some online games having bizarre challenges, that abate someone to end her/his life. The real culprit is DEPRESSION. It’s the real monsters that gets triggered and start tapping on the vulnerable minds edging them to jump to the well of death.
We accept it or not, depression is an Invisible Reality. It has its hidden existence in the minds of people irrespective of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, income disparity, social status, religion or other aspect of cultural identity. It makes people psychologically vulnerable for self destruction, making them available easily for abatement of suicide, even at a slightest and insignificant trigger.
Depression, a state of chronic sadness (major depressive disorder of mind) is a common and serious medical illness, pertaining to our mental health, which negatively affects how we feel the way we think and how we act. It’s an acute mental health problem that has a serious impact on our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
Probably, depression is one of the most deadly serious ailments, but the irony is it has never been taken seriously. Moreover, mental health care has never been a part of “being Healthy” in our homes in particular and society general. Fortunately, depression is treatable but unfortunately it’s never been accepted as a disease. So, to deal with depression, the first step is to recognize it as a disease and encourage awareness about it.