The Alchemist – A Journey of Choices

The Alchemist – A Journey of Choices

The Alchemist – A Journey of Choices is one of my most favorite books that I have read so far. A highly acclaimed novel written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho the Alchemist is a timeless masterpiece filled with themes of destiny, personal legend, and the journey of self-discovery. This book was gifted to me by my brother way back in 2008.

This book had answered many of my never asked questions. I don’t know how many times I had read this book but every time I would get some more wisdom out of it. However, one thing that this book had taught me that time was how choices can conquer the challenges.

The book revolves around the story of a young shepherd boy Santiago, his journey of life who dreams of discovering the true treasure, his destiny or the purpose of life.  Santiago’s journey takes him from his homeland in Spain to the deserts of Egypt, where he encounters various characters and experiences that shape his understanding of life and the universe.

The book sail through a profound philosophical and spiritual theme which is one of the most compelling aspects of it. Coelho weaves the themes of destiny, fate, and the interconnectedness of all things throughout the narrative, inducing readers to reflect on their own life journeys and the pursuit of their dreams.

I read this book when I was through one of the most difficult phases of my life. I was stuck in ambitions, dreams, realities, family & motherhood. It was not easy to figure out what to choose and what not to. Then this book came to my rescue. It helped me to CHOOSE to follow my heart.

Through the journey of the protagonist of this book I learnt that the most important thing in life is “OUR CHOICES” or “WHAT WE CHOOSE”, that shapes our destiny.

It’s often said that destiny is pre-scripted. I agree but it comes up with choices. For example, the shepherd boy was having a normal life. He had a dream to travel & discover the treasure that he had heard that lying below the pyramids of Egypt. It was not easy to CHOOSE to embark on such a long journey especially when it would cost him everything what he had. He had to sell all his ship to gather enough money to start a journey.  That to not knowing how much rewarding it would be. And then his life transforms although not smoothly but overcoming challenges one after other.

So basically we all humans have our own life journeys. With every step, every moment in life we are provided with a privilege to choose.  And then there are chance, sudden events and occurrences derailing us. Then again, we are here to choose, whether to stay derailed or not, choose to start again or not.

This book taught me another very important thing, that is TRUST. We need to trust our choices, trust the circumstances that’s making us choose, in fact TRUST on the Divine plan.

As it is said, Destiny is half about what happens to us and half about what we choose to do with what happens to us.

This is my post for Alphabet A. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and hyperlink

There is Not Enough Darkness!!!

There is Not Enough Darkness

There is not enough darkness
across the world
to put out the light of
even one small candle…. Robert Alden
There is not enough darkness across the world
To put out the light of even one small candle
No matter how strongly it spreads its wings
It can never ever enjoy the victory over rays
Darkness no doubt has its own merits
As it takes us to the unsolved quarries
It shows us the part or side of us
That needs to be worked upon & solved
It has its role for cleansing things
Bringing light to unexplored side
But it can never stop the light
Neither can exist in the bright
Things are no doubt grey & grim
With Corona being stronger from last time
And the humans are again helpless
As the loss of life hugely taking place
Amidst the chaos Hope is Lost
Shaking our heart & our Trust
But no matter what happens now
Every thing will again fall in place
Darkness is roaring testing our trust
Checking if we have our lessons learnt or not
But it doesn’t know that its end is near
Light is coming shortly to eradicate it
Remember, even this will pass away
Earth will be filled again with golden rays
No matter what damage darkness done
Light will fill it making us smile again

This is a Whatsapp message which is really uplifting!! In this forbidding time of Corona, Holding on to Hope is the Best armor we can have to fight with Corona!! India records 349k cases today. But scratch beneath it, not everything is despair. The two hottest zones – #Delhi and #Maharashtra are holding almost stable. Mumbai is less than 6000 new cases, 3 weeks low in daily cases.

The lockdowns and perhaps even burning out of virus is slowly showing effect. India has mobilized its entire industrial might, railway and now #IndianAirForce into service to rapidly transport supplies.   It is a massive force.

There is no doubt that Authorities UNDERESTIMATED this new wave – but not any longer.

It will take one week for Delhi and Maharashtra to start receding. Of course, a few other states will keep spiking but not to this concentration. In 4-5 days, oxygen issue will be better sorted as trains will deliver bulk deliveries. Trains are running on non-stop green corridors. More hospitals would have come up – a few are commissioning today onwards. Some even in religious places.

The impact of stopped we exports is showing. Today, #Remdesivir was in slightly better supply than yesterday. It will get better over the week.

Cryogenic freezer for oxygen has been picked up from foreign manufacturers by our Air Force.

All this in ONE WEEK.

May will start better than April, I promise you.


On your part, stay indoors – you are privileged if you can afford it. One less patient can mean better allocation of resources for someone really sick. You can save your life and someone else’s by holding back movement and staying safe.

Shun despair, pack up your frustration, don’t tell me you are bored, don’t tell me you won’t fight.

The casualty number may go up this week – but remember they follow infections 12-18 days ago. That is the cycle of this virus. But at least once we restore oxygen issue – the deaths due to lack of treatment will go down.

Hold on for this one week – this is the darkest hour – beyond which lies the beginning of dawn of life, vaccines and healthier times.


This is my post for Alphabet T written for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2021 by Blogchatter