Happy Moments Need Our Attention and Care!!
This Morning…while having my morning Coffee with a fresh mind I decided to do one thing. I wanted to remember one good thing which I did, saw, happened to me or anything as such that had made me most happy….in the last week. Initially, to be honest nothing came to my mind immediately. After trying bit hard,the first thing I could remembered was, “The bed time talk” with my son. He often tells me the story of Perky Jackson – The Greek Mythology and few jokes along with it. And the second one was The time I spent with my friends last Tuesday. It was typically a “Fun and Foodwala” get-together. They were my happiest moments!!
I wonder…Had it been about bad times…would it bit quicker and easier to remember?
Maybe, I guess…a Big YES!!
Because, “bad times” have a stronger invading power and raid the mind the moment they happen than “good times” which are slower and weaker to draw attention even if they happen with same intensity.
That’s how we live our days…without noticing Happy moments more often!!
Ugly moments never look for our Attentions but Happy Moments Do!!
For Ugly moments, Like adults are capable enough not only to draw our attention, in fact quite compelling to let us notice them but also their taxing impact stay for long even after the moments are over
But Happy Moments…like children need our conscious attention, care and absolute nurturing to be noticeable as well as let them have longer positive impact in our lives amidst the twists and turns of it….
If we are capable of recognizing that the highlights of our destiny can be found in the spell of a happy moment, we needn’t worry all the time about the hurly-burly of the future. (“Lost dreams”)
We should understand that ““A good life is a collection of happy moments.” by
good and well lived life is mostly a collection of beautiful moments. Let’s remember them more often and smile.Its also posted in HERE