FYI….For Your Information, I am not a numerologist. However I have I am fascinated by scores of things involving different aspects of life. Today is the SIXTH Day of this #AToZBlogchatter Challenge and the Alphabet of the day is F.

When I thought of F, of many things that came to my mind, the first that struck me was FIVE – The Number.

There are so many things about the significance of the number 5. However here I am writing precisely about few of them.

Here are my observations on number 5

In Religion & Culture –

In Hinduism more precisely Hindu Culture, the Number Five has a great significance. There are names of the lord and religious rituals attached with it. Let me write some of them here

In Hinduism

Lord Shiva is believed to be a five faced god hence he is revered as PACHANAN. Panchmukhi Shiva is an image of the idol of Lord Shiva with FIVE faces.

FIVE is the sacred number of Lord Shiva so five mantras (verses) and five syllables represent him signifying his five heads that demonstrate five aspects of his divine persona.

The goddess Saraswati, goddess of knowledge and intellectual is associated with number 5. Her day of worship is termed as PANCHAMI or Sree Panchami – The FIFTH day of the month of ‘Magha’.

His Mantra is also called Panchakshari  (Five Worded) mantra.

It is used as an offering during poojas
It is used as a libation during Abhisheka
It is also used as a skin cleanser.

PANCHAMRITA – The literary meaning of Panchamrita is FIVE AMRITAS (NECTAR) in Sanskrit. It is a mixture of five things used in Hindu worship and puja as sacred offering to the Gods. These are Honey, jaggery, milk, yogurt and ghee.

PANCHA MAHABHUTA – Five Great Elements – Pancha Bhuta or Pancha Maha-Bhuta in Sanskrit, are five great elements, also five physical elements, is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation. The five elements are fire, water, air, earth, and ether. These elements have different characteristics and these also account for different faculties of human experience. In ayurveda and Indian philosophy, the human body is considered to be made of these five elements.

PANCHUKA – This is related to Odisha and The Culture of Lor Jagannath.  PANCHUKA is the last five days of Kartik month in Odisha and people abstain from all types of non-vegetarian food during the period.   Traditionally, staunch devotees of Lord Jagannath abstain from all type of non-vegetarian foods during the entire Kartik month which is regarded as Holiest Month of the months but those who are unable to follow it, observe it during the Last five days of the month. The five-day period is also of great connotation in Puri Jagannath Temple. Thousands of people who are observing Kartik Brata for the entire month gets an opportunity to have darshan of Lord Jagannath in FIVE different veshas or attire during the period. In PANCHUKA it is also believed that even the CRANE BIRD doesn’t eat fosf. That’s why it is also called as BAKA PANCHUKA

FIVE PHASES – In Hinduism Manifestations of the Deity are expressed in five phases:

  1. Source or Seed–The Ain Soph Aur or Adam Kadmon
  2. Root –World of Emanation of Atziluth
  3. Tree –World of Creation or Briah
  4. Branch –World of Formation or Yetzirah
  5. Fruit –World of Action or Assiah

These five phases form a schema of the Tree of Life

PANCHA-PATAKA – Is a set of Five worst acts/Unforgivable Sins described in Vedas (Scriptures) which are unpardonable

1.BRAHMA-HATYA: Killing of a Brahmana
2. SISU-HATYA/GO-HATYA: Abortion and killing of children, cow and animals
3. SURA-PANA: Drinking liquor or alcohol
4. SVARNA-STEYA: Stealing
5. GURU-TALPA-GAMANA:  Illicit Sex / Sex with Guru’s wife.

Apart from that…..
The most sacred tree in Hinduism has 5 leaves in every leaf stunt.
Most of the flowers have 5 petals in them.
The epic Mahabharata revolves around the battle between Duryodhana and his 99 other brothers and the 5 pandava princes –Yudhistira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeba


Five i.e. Number 5 is an angelic number, it’s the number of the harmony, balance and the divine grace. According to the Bible, it is the symbol of the Man-God by the Five wounds of the Christ on cross. For this reason, it is also considered as the number of the grace. There are five great mysteries: Father, Son, Spirit, Creation and Redemption.


The number five holds great significance in nearly all Buddhist traditions. It refers to the Five Colours, the Five Senses, the Five Wisdom, the Five Buddha, and a host of other important philosophies. The number five is intimately associated with the Chinese theory of the Five Elements, a concept underpinning the Zodiac Calendar, the latter serving as the preeminent calendar of old-world Asia.


PANJ KAKARS  – Five Ks – The five sacred Sikh symbols prescribed by Guru Gobind Singh are commonly known as PANJ KAKARS  or the “Five Ks” because they start with letter K.

They are:

  • Kesh – Unshorn hair
  • kanga – The Comb
  • kara – The steel bracelet
  • kachhehra – The soldiers shorts
  • kirpan – The sword


Also, there are five deadly evils:

kam (lust), krodh (anger), moh (attachment), lobh (greed), and ankhar (ego).


  • The Five Pillars of Islam
  • Muslims pray to Allah five times a day, Five times Namaaz a Day.
  • According to Shia Muslims, the Panjetan or the Five Holy Purified Ones are the members of Muhammad’s family: Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan, and Husain and is often symbolically represented by an image of the Khamsa.


Apart from Religious and Cultural aspect here is few more significance of Number FIVE
The number 5 is signifies in the biology of Human as man has Five fingers in each hand, five senses and five toes in each foot.
Geographically there are PANCH Maha sagars, Five Oceans on the Earth.
Five fingers make a fist. Five people make a PANCHAYAT.
The Olympic Games have five interlocked rings as their symbol, representing the number of inhabited continents represented by the Olympians (Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania and the Americas.

Five is also the only prime that is the sum of two consecutive primes, namely 2 and 3 in Mathematics.




And The List goes on…. There are many more unique things and observation about Number FIVE.The number 5 is the most dynamic and energetic of all the single-digit numbers. It is unpredictable, always in motion and constantly in need of change. It’s a number of positivism, resonates with the influences and attributes of personal freedom and progress.

DID I SAY MY BIRTH NUMBER IS ALSO NUMBER 5 That Is 14th Of November??????? 🙂

This is my Post for DAY – 6 For My Theme Click Here

This is My Post for The Alphabet F  #AToZChallenge 2020 by @blogchatter in the Month of April 2020

This is also published my other Blog CLICK HERE

Image Sources – Google

I must state here that this article is a researched one and some information apart from what I already knew have been added  from random sources of reading on internet like, Google and Wikipedia.


Life @life

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans  — John Lennon

Life is a Gift, Life is Beautiful!!!

Hi Friends,

This is Tina and this is my Brand New blog. I have just made it live having 25% of the work done on it,  only to participate in #BlogchatterAtoZ. Though I had been resolute to take up the challenge this year, but last few months had been quite taxing on me making any kind of writing works out of mind. Also couldn’t work on this website. Well, at least I could made it live. I am very bad word press, currently learning it to do it by myself. So I will appreciate all suggestions, criticisms and knowledge sharing from you all to improve the appearance and performance of this website.


Tina ki Duniya is a small world of mine. It’s actually a window through which I view the world and accordingly my thoughts and observations are shaped. Different aspects of life always fascinated me and I could never find a particular facet of it to reflect upon only. Life itself has always very much absorbing for me.


So my theme for the #BlogchatterAtoZChallenge will be Life itself…i.e @life.

There will be stories, real life anecdotes, pictures, quotes and many more things in it. Also will include some posts contributed to me as a promise to publish. I think at the end it will appear like a platter with different aspects of life served on it. Hope the write ups will be up to the expectation level of readers. I promise the time spend on this will be worth of it.

Looking forward to read a lot from you all.


My Theme is @Life


Happy Writing, Happy Reading

Known Vs Unknown!

Known Vs Unknown

Ideally, with every moment of life one should grow and become mature. But with me, it’s just the opposite. Even if I know more what I knew till yesterday, I still feel like a neophyte at times. Often it Seems, as if “My Known Territory” is directly proportional to “The Unknown Territory” of life: the former grows, the later expands more and more. Every day, I step into the world with a tenderfoot having same set of queries, same amount of curiousness and intuitiveness. Seems, Life is always about being in “Probation eternally”.
Every day is a New Day…and we are just as armature as we were always.

It reminds me of a beautiful and profound saying of Rumi. “The closer I reach, the farther I know myself from you.” Once we start learning and growing, we became aware such a vast chunk of existence is unknown to us. 

Known Vs Unknown


Expectations are a strong belief system within us that makes us assume that something will come to us or something will happen…
It’s true that we can never find a world which is “absolutely expectation free”. We expect from our life, the people around us and our surrounding…..most of the time inadvertently though.

Sometimes, we feel as if we are living someone else’s life. Often we feel a sense of void swallow up us, like something-is-missing kind. That’s for the reason that we let other people to decide our choices. We try to fill up their expectations. Same way we also want others to fill up our expectations. Social pressure is deceiving — we can promptly lose control of our lives without noticing it. To triumph over expectations, we must uphold ownership of our options and preference.

I feel…with every layer of expectations, we lose something within us. I mean every expectation comes with a cost of making a small dent in us…a kind of void, a kind of hole. That’s why “The more we expect, the more we become poor and miserable”. However, it’s not easy to stop expecting but we can consciously reduce them especially the layers which are not necessary for our struggle for survival!! At least, we can shed the Unnecessary Expectations!!  

Expectations are an illusion. By trying to please everyone, we end pleasing no one — ourselves included. That’s why most people don’t live the life they want. Everyone feels frustrated and disappointed.

Shedding few layers of expectations, sure a better way of feeling happier and wealthier!! 🙂

If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar


CoronaVirus: SERVICE TO HUMANITY! Sometimes I feel the a tiny and invisible Corona Virus has not only challenged the survival of human living but deeply tested the very chore of human conscience…HUMANITY.  

Pictures say volumes!!

Isn’t it?
No words can ever be enough to express our gratitude to them….

We know how the dreaded Corona Virus has devastated the whole world bringing to its knee crippling the economy and taking a toll on human lives. India is no different. In this time of crisis the only hope are the Doctors and health workers. day in Day out, I here the kind of unruly things like attacks on them, stone pelting  and offending them. Just because they are doing their duty. What kind of people in particular and society in general we are?? 


look at these pictures….What do you feel? Did it stir you inside? When I saw these pictures, my heart filled with appreciation and admiration to them. For a moment it dished too. They are the over exhaust health workers who just take a nap like this. They are not only stretching themselves for the monumental crisis before us but also risking their lives. When all other students are asked to stay at home, medical students are asked to work.

They are there to help us. Let’s try our best to help them by staying home, staying safe
My heart fills with gratitude for their dedication and commitment. Truly it’s not just work for them… It’s SERVICE TO HUMANITY.



Check Here for another photo story

The Tuesday Story

The Tuesday Story!

That day was another day. The sun risen in the same direction. But it didn’t end in the same note…Why…Read on

Since last few months, My Tuesdays are not going well. My Mother who is an ardent admirer of astrology…feels that it could be the effect of an “evil eye on me” or the celestial transitions/planetary movement that’s having some ill effect on me. So her strict instructions to me is….I should chant Hanuman Chalisha 11 times on Tuesdays along with one time Sankat Mochan Hanumanastaka, which I follow as I respect her feelings…whether I believe in these things or not…

Well…let me tell today’s story. One of my friends shared the following quote with me with his YouQuote.in app having His name on it (as if it’s His quote). I loved the quote….surely it’s a lovely one and I had already read it somewhere. The only thing I didn’t like was …His Name below it. So I pointed it out saying we should not do this…I mean whenever we use someone else’s quote….we should give due credit to Original author ….or at least #Anonymous #RandomReading in case we don’t know the name.

Bass…fir kyaa…
He became furious and tried to convince me that it’s his quote. I should have stopped I think. But the Tina – the har na mane wali – in me couldn’t. I Google and got him another YouQuote.in app wala same quote of another person who probably felt like claiming that it’s his quote. Then I showed him my old dairy where I had written it while reading it somewhere along with my view (which I often do).

Enough! He was caught now and no need to say embarrass too.

But I felt bad as I didn’t want to lose him as a friend. I could have ignored. But it all happened involuntarily. So finally I felt “Evil Tuesday played its game”
However ….I felt I didn’t do anything wrong

Wait….it’s not over….Read on

Around 10 PM…He said “SORRY” to me for being rude, accepted his fault and promised …will never repeat it
Hey…in friendship no sorry & Thank u…
I said and we exchanged laughing emojis …he he he

Any quote, one liner or write up should be followed by its original author or #Anonymous mention at least….I feel.  This is little ethics which we can always follow in this ever increasing plagiarised world.

One last thing….sochnewali baat yeh hai ki.. Now…I wonder is it the impact of Hanuman Chalisha ….that made things end with positive note????
Ha ha ha….worth pondering over …isn’t it?

This is my The Tuesday Story 🙂

Happy Moments Need Our Attention and Care!!

This Morning…while having my morning Coffee with a fresh mind I decided to do one thing. I wanted to remember one good thing which I did, saw, happened to me or anything as such that had made me most happy….in the last week. Initially, to be honest nothing came to my mind immediately. After trying bit hard,the first thing I could remembered  was, “The bed time talk” with my son. He often tells me the story of Perky Jackson – The Greek Mythology  and few jokes along with it. And the second one was The time I spent with my friends last Tuesday. It was typically a “Fun and Foodwala” get-together. They were my  happiest moments!!

I wonder…Had it been about bad times…would it bit quicker and easier to remember?

Maybe, I guess…a Big YES!!

Because, “bad times” have a stronger invading power and raid the mind the moment they happen than “good times” which are slower and weaker to draw attention even if they happen with same intensity.
That’s how we live our days…without noticing Happy moments more often!!
Ugly moments never look for our Attentions but Happy Moments Do!!
For Ugly moments, Like adults are capable enough not only to draw our attention, in fact quite compelling to let us notice them but also their taxing impact stay for long even after the moments are over

But Happy Moments…like children need our conscious attention, care and absolute nurturing to be noticeable as well as let them have longer positive impact in our lives amidst the twists and turns of it….

If we are capable of recognizing that the highlights of our destiny can be found in the spell of a happy moment, we needn’t worry all the time about the hurly-burly of the future. (“Lost dreams”)
― Erik Pevernagie

We should understand that ““A good life is a collection of happy moments.” by Denis Waitley . A good and well lived life is mostly a collection of beautiful  moments. Let’s remember them more often and smile. 

Its also posted in HERE 
